Posture & Pain
Bad posture leads to long-term pain. Ask anyone who sits for long periods of time and they’ll tell you all about that niggling little pain in their neck or lower back.
One of the most common postures is ‘forward head posture.’ Often seen in those who work at a desk, this is where your head sits forward from the midline of your shoulders. Over time, sustained slumped-forward posture creates unnecessary stress and strains your spine which can lead to the space between joints in the neck narrowing, and consequently, reduced movement. Over time the muscles, ligaments and joints supporting the neck and upper back have to work extra hard to carry the weight of the head. This can result in neck and shoulder pain, as well as many other conditions.
Improving postural awareness can dramatically reduce pain in the back and shoulders (1) as well as reducing general aches and pains within the body (2)